Sunday, August 31, 2008
Washing washing washing
Today was spent trying to get as much of it done as possible.
Popped out to do some shopping for the week and to get a new hoover and additional clothes dryer.
Lots of time spent putting things away and straightening the house out (and doing more washing) before we ate dinner, watched Shrek The Third and then headed off for bed.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Time to go home!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Swanage Day 7
Went swimming again this morning and did the towel drying run.
Had a really lazy day after that.
Took our time getting ready, did a bit of preparation for leaving tomorrow and then we split into two camps.
Toni, Gemima and I went shopping (and then popped into a cafe) whilst mum, Shane, Sophie, Sam and Aaron went to the beach.
We then all met up and went for a lovely meal at an Italian restaurant before going back to our caravans and packing.
Hair back as normal again!:
Looking all coy:
Whose shake?:
Aaron and mum:
Shane & Sophie:
The gang's all here:
China's Handmade Embroidery - Embroidered Silk Visual Art

China has always been famous for its silk and its handmade silk embroidery. For millennia, the renowned "Silk Road" brought Chinese silk and embroidery to Central Asia, Western Asia, Europe and Africa. The silk trade created exchanges between China, India, Greece and Rome and acted as a link between these four ancient civilizations.
Since the earliest fabric samples of 3000 B.C. People in China realise that human beings have wanted to enliven their surroundings clothing, toiletries and linens by adding hand work of some kind over the woven fabrics.
Different areas of the devised their own peculiar styles. The type of thread, colors, motifs and presentation of each area and style are unique. Each region had a few stitches unique to their style. The motifs were related to nature and religion and everyday life of people.
Religious embroideries spanned the breadth of the age of the many religious organizations and royal courts. Handmade Embroidery art had patrons just like other art forms. These embroideries include gold threads or zardosi, chikankari, kasuti and kashmiri.
Chikankari is said to have a Turkish impression though it is mentioned in the records of Megasthenes in 3rd century B.C. Kashmiri embroidery is colorful with symbols like chinar leaf, apple blossom, lily, the saffron flower and the fauna of the region. Phulkari has brightly colored flowers on coarse cotton. Beadwork and Zardosi are Mughal introductions where as mirror work is typical to Gujarat and Rajasthan. Kantha' Embroidery of Bengal makes imaginative use of waste rugs and Kasuti is famous for religious themes.
- Styles of Chinese Silk Embroidery Art

There are several different levels of Chinese embroidered silk visual art:
• Antique (all handmade obviously)
• High quality, classical handmade
• Ordinary quality handmade
• Machine made
As corresponding, Suzhou embroidery (Su embroidery for short), Hunan embroidery (Xiang embroidery for short), Sichuan embroidery (Shu embroidery for short) and Guangdong embroidery (Yue embroidery for short) are the four most famous styles of embroidery in China.
The city of Suhou is the center of the Chinese handmade embroidered silk visual art. From there the silk industry spreads west to other cities including Suzhou and it extends to Shanghai, Wuxi, etc. and now includes Beijing, Guangxi, Guangdong. Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Shandong, Hubei, Anhui and other places.
Merits of Chinese Handmade Embroidery

Handmade classical silk embroidery is alive. The high quality work looks lifelike. It's been created with loving care by an individual artist. These people are masters of their trade.
They have incredible skill and their work is stunningly beautiful. But it looks alive. The machine made versions look stiff and unnatural. It's quite easily distinguishable.
Handmade embroidery is done with pure silk thread. It has an exquisite, glossy feel to it. Real silk thread will break when used in a sewing machine. So the thread that is used in a machine is thicker and has an artificial fiber feel to it because it is a mix. It is not pure silk.
Chinese handmade silk embroidery is highly collectible. There are many collectors in Germany, the rest of Europe, the USA, Japan, Africa and in other countries, usually the affluent art aficionados all over the world. The embroidered silk is truly representative of Chinese art.
Authentic antique silk embroidered visual art sells for anywhere between $35,000 and $125,000, and is an excellent investment as their prices continue to rise. Over the long term (hundreds of years) the value has increased by as much as 50 times. These pieces are on display in museums and exist in private collections and become available for sale in much the same way any antique art does: dealers, auctions and so on, with the usual problems of verifying authenticity and provenance.
But machine embroidery may have become common these days and perhaps more economical but theuniqueness, variety, intricacy, art and fineness of hand embroidery is unmatched and as yet unchallenged. Today you can also buy modern, hand embroidered silk of the type that is being produced. This varies greatly in quality. At one extreme there is ordinary handmade silk embroidery which you can buy for as little as $100 for a piece. Then there is high quality, classical embroidered silk being produced at higher prices. These pieces tend to sell at auction and therefore the prices can go very high and be somewhat unpredictable.
A Special Kind of Chinese Handmade Embroidery - Chinese Double Sided Embroidery

The double sided embroidery is a technique in which stitching takes place on both sides of a single transparent silk fabric. The design shows on both sides (front and reverse). Such a piece is normally mounted on a wooden frame as a screen, one really can't tell which side is the front or the back.
Most of the double sided embroideries, almost all, people see in shops have the same images on both sides. However there are a few double sided embroideries that have two different images on both sides. It's a mystery and secret how this kind of works are made.
Fine Works of Chinese Handmade Embroidery
People from different countries have different tastes. A silk handmade embroidery popular in one country is not necessarily popular in another country. But there are some silk embroideries that seem almost everyone likes them.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful painting on a piece of silk satin? Just imagine embroidering such a delicate figure with threads and needles! But such exquisite embroidery has been one of China's most famous art forms for many centuries, and four main schools of embroidery have established with their unique techniques.
The Chinese Art of Painting with Silk Threads
Remark: Clever photographer, Nancy Fox, recently returned from a tour of mainland China. A visit to an embroidery factory in Suzhou was high on her list of places to see. She was not disappointed. When she arrived, the artists were hard at work producing these paintings. They readily consented to let Nancy photograph them while they worked.
* Last, if you interests, you can find all kinds of Chinese silk handmade silk embroidery art for sale on the Internet like any other modern or old art.
Thanks for your views.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Swanage Day 6
After breakfast mum, Toni, Sam, Gemima and I went off to do some shopping at Somerfield. We had to go to Co-op to pick up some last bits and Sam and Gemima decided to play on the toy train outside (the same one that Sam was photographed earlier in the week). This time though Sam was riding on it and got told off by a member of Co-op staff.
Once we returned to the caravan we headed off to play Crazy Golf (which mum won). The kids then went on some rides (with Sam managing ot get himself told off for going on the motorbikes even though it wasn't clear that he shouldn't). He went to get his token back as he hadn't realised, the woman was trying to refuse when Toni went to the desk and was given an immediate refund LMFAO. Following this I then joined them on the bumper cars. When my token had run out and I was getting out of my car, Aaron decided to ram me (see bottom photo).
As people were starting to get hungry we went into a cafe for a late lunch. Toni, Sophie and I decided to do some shopping so Shane, Aaron and Sam went back to the caravan to go swimming. Mum pottered off to do her own thing and we met her at the pier before we headed back again.
Once back at the caravan Toni and mum chilled out with a jug of Pimms before Toni and I cooked dinner. Gemima was very tired and her ankle was hurting so we had an early night, although we did stay up talking for ages once Gemima had settled.

Special Reports: Reading The Slogan and The Emblem of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

Refer to the Olympic flame collection style, the Paralympic flame will be fired with a concave mirror to concentrate the light, that also implicates the flame fire is come from the Sun.
Reading The Slogan of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

"One World, One Dream", which embodies the essence of the paralympic spirit and its universal sense of value - unity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams, to express that people all over the world impelled by spirit of the Paralympic spirit have a common aspiration to pursue a better future. Despite of different colors, different languages, different races, we could share the Paralympic charms and joys together, pursue the ideal of world peace in common, we belong to one world, we have the same hopes and dreams.
"One World, One Dream", which profoundly reflect the core philosophy of the Beijing Olympic Games, that is "Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People's Olympics". It also embodies a harmony value system of People's Olympics". To build a harmonious society and realize the harmonious development is our dream and aspiration. "Nature and Man in One" and "Harmony is most precious pace is to be cherished" are Chinese people's ideas and aspirations since ancient times for relations between people and nature, also people and people. We believe that peace and progress, harmonious development, to live in harmony and win-win cooperation, has a harmony life is the common ideal of the world.
Reading The Emblem of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

Based on the concept of "Heaven, Earth, People all in One", The emblem of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games integrates the Chinese language, calligraphy and the spirit of the paralympics in a whole, that embodies Chinese traditional culture and the spirit of the modern Olympics, also embodies the spirit of the paraolympics as "Mental, Body, Spirit in One", has a profound deposits of traditional Chinese culture.
The graphic part of the emblem was composed with Chinese word "Zhi" shape in three color - red, blue, green, puts up a sports human figure with a kind calligraphy stoke, as if a gymnast who is acting a forward leap, also as an athlete who is act air rotating on a pommel horse, also embodies the concept of sports. The word "Zhi" contains meanings of "birth, meaning and arriving", it's twist style indicates a meaning that human will finally achieved success after undergoing a series of unfortunate events.
Colors used by the emblem as red, indicates the sun; deep blue, indicates the blue sky; green, indicates the earth. Three strokes in three kinds of color composed together as a human figure in sport, namely as "Heaven, Earth and Human", embodies the idea of "Nature and Human in One" in traditional Chinese culture, expressed the modern scientific concept of development, the pursuit of sports harmonyness, the idea of human self developed harmonious with nature and society. The emblem color also fully embodies the main ideas of the Beijing Olympic Games : Red indicates the "Red China" endowed with thick Chinese features, embodies the idea of "People's Olympics"; Deep blue represents high-tech, embodies the idea of "Hi-tech Olympics"; Green on behalf of the environment, embodies the idea of "Green Olympics".
Finished Remarks:
The Emblem of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games use Chinese Words "Heaven, Earth and Human" as its graphic pattern, the emblem of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games use a seal of "China Print - Dancing Beijing" as its graphic design, "Chinese Word" and "Chinese Seal" both are typical traditional Chinese culture elements, which full of China's civilization features, both echoed in ideas and art styles. The two emblems benefit by associating together and shine by reflecting each other, concentrate on display the idea of "Humanistic Olympics", so have profound meanings and strong expressive force.
From the birth of the mascot "Fu Cow Lele"of the 13th Paralympic Games to the sports icons of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, continue to 2008 Beijing Paralympics' flame firing ceremony put across successfully, we together have traversed a long road, let us wish the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games make a wonderful success same as the Beijing Olympic Games.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Swanage Day 5
She came in for a cuppa while we finished getting ready and then we all trundled off to meet Sophie and Shane (Sam had been dispatched to our caravan to collect swimming stuff but we told him to stay).
Atmosphere was a bit tense in the pool. We did manage to have a bit of a swim though (and Gemima is really improving). Went into the sauna with Toni, Shane and Sam for a short while. Toni had to go back to Gemima and so Sophie came and joined us. Sophie exited as Shane dumped a whole bottle of water on the coals, things got hot very quickly and I had to bail out. I did think I was going to be subjected to chicken calls from Shane and Sam but they dived out almost immediately after me. It was funny though and we plan to repeat it all tomorrow.
After swimming things all went a bit Pete Tong. There were issues with Aaron, Sam then got a total grump followed by Sophie freaking out and me having to talk to Steph for the first time in god knows how long which was no fun. Thankfully all issues were resolved fairly quickly and we managed to sit down and have a nice brunch together. Following this we decided to head into town and down to the beach. Sam had decided that he didn't want to do anything so got all grumpy again, Aaron then stormed off in a huff too so it was all looking a bit rocky for family fun.
We popped into a fab hippy shop and spent ages in there. Mum, Shane and Sophie got bored so they headed off to the beach. Toni bought a great bag and some great warm tops for Gemima. Next stop was a kitsch shop that specialised in lots of girly stuff like fairies and Hello Kitty merchandise. I could have spent a fortune on the Kitty stuff. Toni bought me a fab fairy t-shirt.
We then strolled down to the beach, gathering ice cream on the way and settled into deck chairs whilst the kids played.
As we were in town we decided to go for an Indian for dinner to save anybody having to cook and found a fab little restaurant called Masala (original eh? LOL). Fantastic meal and the price was pretty reasonable too. Sophie and Shane left before dessert to head back and get some urgent supplies in and the rest of us following on in a taxi.
Got back to mum's caravan very tired. Gemima had a shower and washed her hair and the rest of us drank tea and watched Big Brother (sad I know but we needed a catch up). After that Toni and I watched a bit of Alan Carr's Tooth Fairy Live before heading back to the caravan as it wasn't really suitable for Gemima. Sam and Aaron followed on once it was over (Sam has agreed to sleep back in our caravan so that mum can have her bit of peace first thing in the morning)
Thankfully I think (or at least hope and pray) that all the grumps are now worked through and dealt with so that we can just get on and enjoy what is left of the holiday.
Toni in a deck chair:

Me in a deck chair:

Gemima and Aaron by the sea:

A view from the beach:

The sea:

Aaron and Gemima:

Toni and I:




Sam doing a Mick Jagger impression:

Gread Gift Ideas for Men - Fashion Tips & Trends for Men in 2009

* Color
Men's clothing for the spring & summer season has made its mark with the presence of color. There is a strong blue influence which replicates David Hockney paintings during his splash period in the 1960s, and the introduction of pink.
Men's fashion is having a pink moment in 2008, therefore, defining your masculinity has become more of a challenge this summer. This not-so-typical color sorts the men from the boys, as it takes guts and skill to wear; requiring men to make a modern color statement whilst still maintaining a masculine edge. This can be done by keeping cuts and fabrics very traditional and teaming it with neutral shades, such as white, beige, gray or black.
In addition to being "In the Pink", the fashion industry is also feeling blue this season. Not the dark navy kind, but the azure blue of David Hockney's Splash, pool paintings. From Louis Vuitton’s head-to-toe azure Moon Beach collection, on the spring runways to Hockney-inspired Missoni shirts, Hockneyed-Splash sweatshirts, to azure-colored cargo pants and suits. Feeling blue has never been so on-trend.

* Style
In this season, men to wear a dress shirt with a tie for business is suitable for almost all circumstances. In some offices, or outdoor work sites, short sleeves may be appropriate. Look at the example set by your supervisor and respected colleagues. If these people wear short sleeves, then it may be okay in that situation...
When dressing to impress, do not follow the standard of the office non-conformist. Sleeves can always be rolled up if necessary.
Collars come in different styles, usually a normal pointed collar and a spread collar. Spread collars are newer and show a contemporary fashion. The spread accents the tie, and therefore look better with a wider tie. Some shirts have different color collars than the shirt which appears bolder.
Men's Hoodies make a welcome return as they have been reinvented to form an integral part of your wardrobe rather than a casual cover-up. With some innovative styling this season, hoodies have evolved to become a substitute for a blazer or cardigan, matching your ensemble and being classy enough to take you from beach to bar. Hoodies have become sophisticated enough to be street-savvy garments, layer them over a tee or shirt, or be more adventurous and go for a Juicy Couture hooded leather jacket or an OntFront Sidewalk Tailoring hooded blazer.
On the subject of swimming pools, another look du jour is the combination of trunks as shorts. Wear them as both; saving you that fashion dilemma of having to wear shorts over trunks. Offerings come from labels such as Thom Browne, ADAM, Opening Ceremony, and Shipley & Halmos who have pairs that can be easily teamed with a more formal shirt or blazer.
This is also the season of the lightweight-knit, be it revamped hoody or button-up cardigan. Men also have one less choice to make when it comes to swimming, by throwing on a pair of combi shorts and trunks.
* Men’s Fashion Accessories
Underwears - In the 13th century underwear became an important piece of apparel, and like most fashions, the thong and g-string reappeared in the 1970s on the beaches of Brazil. Unlike the Khoisans of 75,000 years ago, today’s male consumers enjoy a vast array of styles, fabrics and colours to choose from. The evolution of underwear has shaped how we feel and how we look today.
Aside from the above, sitting poolside requires some additional accessories. Nautical caps and deck shoes are right on-trend, so are blue and white manbags. Accessorize your outfit with some fashion-forward, round-saucer shades — David Hockney-inspired eyewear or John Lennon frames.
* Special Fashion Tips for Men who has a Big Stomach
- Go for light fabrics and dark colors if you want to slimline your torso.
- Use a belt to nip in your waistline. As long as your stomach does not hang over, contrary to what you might think, this will make you appear slimmer.
- For an instant slimming effect, go monochromatic. Wear a dark color shirt/top and pants with a different color blazer or jacket over the top.
- Horizontal stripes are your enemy rather than your friend. Vertical stripes (although not too wide) will elongate your body, but diagonal ones will also draw attention to your torso, having a widening effect. Pinstripe shirts can be slimming, especially when teamed with dark color pants.
- Large, busy prints in shirts and tees will only serve to accentuate your stomach. According to The Style Bible, look for a smaller (but not too small) print, which is spaced quite a way apart.
- Avoid bulky knits and go for something more slimming like a dark-colored cashmere sweater.
- Long-sleeve T-shirts and shirts will make your body look more proportioned than sleeveless or short-sleeves, which will draw attention to your middle.
For Fall & Winter
Fall is one of the most exciting seasons for men's fashion in that it presents a great deal of variety - the cooling weather and tendency towards warmer and more classic colours can present a challenge that we'll have to examine in order to find a wardrobe that fits the change of seasons.
* Color
Traditionally, an eye for colour will benefit any gentleman concerned with style. In Fall 2009, look for browns, blues, and especially shades of orange – orange having made a surprise comeback in recent years that shows no sign of stopping in the near future. When matching colours, remember that most blues, especially lighter to medium hues such as baby blue or french blue, pair extremely well with brown tones – strange but true!
A brown leather jacket would be a premium recommendation in that brown brings a distinct note of style into your overall look and seperates you from the legions of men who simply always opt for the severe looking, and much more common, black jacket. A chocolate brown leather simply ages more gracefully than its darker cousin, and adds a vintage flair.

* Style
From sharp-suited silks, to pants following a Balinese, Malaysian and Inidian style, the next year's collection will be filled with unstructured jackets, loose drawstring and cropped dhoti-style pants.
Men's wear should feeling casual and relaxed for next season, there is still the air of opulence associated with the label. Jackets in ivory crocodile and chenille cardigans for the torso, sleek silk trousers, and jackets set off with silk handkerchiefs, all are distinctly deluxe in look.
Brown also co-ordinates much better with most jeans, sweaters, and shirts that will be presented to you in the cooler seasons. and a french blue dress or sport shirt is not only a staple piece of any wardrobe of merit, but will serve you in wonderful stead in a variety of social occasions ranging from a casual date at the local watering hole, a stroll in the park (when coupled with jeans and the aforementioned leather coat), or a high-pressure job interview.
As leather jackets are a forever classical style, so in 2009, leather will still act as one of the most popular fabrics in the fashion industry. A soft, supple material that conforms to the curve’s of a person’s body, leather has a natural sex appeal that is unmatched by any other fabric. Leather is a favorite among the fashion industry, models and musicians.
Given the durability factors, along with the classic, stylish look of leather and the comparative low cost of either, no wonder this item has not only survived as a fashion statement through out history but has also remained a practical choice with universal appeal. So men to choose a motorcycle or bomber jacket can get a feeling that you are never go out of style.
* Accessories
As for accessories, one piece of clothing that immediately springs to mind would be a scarf, worn rather rakishly in the earlier months of fall or perhaps more pragmatically during the bitter cold of a northern winter! Scarves can add a level of distinction and personality to a wardrobe that is often afforded to the wearer via a necktie – it is a centerpiece of the outerwear collection and is something that immediately catches the eye of the passerby.
A wool or cotton scarf is recommended, as silk tends to look rather foppish or effete when worn by most men – and as for colour, the primary suggestion is to either find a tone in the scarf that would tie in nicely with your most commonly worn coat, or simply a scarf that catches your eye and that you rather like. Remember, when it comes to accessories such as scarves and neckties, they are showcases for your sense of style and personality – choose accordingly! Scarves are draped around the waist as belts, or slung casually over the shoulders. Shoes also followed a distinctly Asian style with lace-ups, woven hopsack, snakeskin, and crocodile.
* Great Costume Ideas for Guys on Halloween or a Christmas Carnival
At last ,as the Halloween and Christmas season is coming soon, if you want to get noticed at a fancy dress party, I'd like to give men some special ideas about costumes for men.
Ghostbuster Costume
A great costume idea for a group of guys who can argue over which one of them gets to be Ray, Peter, Winston or Egon. Grey boiler suits are the starting point. High-end costumers will have proton packs for hire, but an improvised version using backpacks/old drinks bottles and a super soaker can be effective. A new Ghostbusters video game is about to be released, so purchasing Ghostbuster accessories should become easier.
Celebrity Lookalike Costume
For the partygoer who bears more than a striking resemblance to a celebrity ,the lookalike costume is a good choice and will be sure to generate discussion. If the partygoer does not look like anyone famous then they can try some of the more visually recognisable celebs for example.
Superhero Costume
Is it a bird, is it a plane? No It’s someone dressed as a superhero on the dance floor. Superhero costumes are easy to find, cheap to hire and always guaranteed to raise a smile. Popular superhero costumes are.
Astronaut Costume
If the partygoer has the money, then the space suit is quite simply the most show-stopping of all the costumes. Generally this costume requires a large rental fee and on top of that a substantial deposit.
Cowboy Costume
Another costume that is very popular with women is the cowboy outfit. It’s quite common, so the wearer should add some unique touches to the costume such as a sheriff’s badge or a wacky colour scheme. The cowboy costume will be available from most fancy dress suppliers.
Sailor Uniform Costume
With its bright white colour, this costume is great for parties that may be using UV lighting. The wearer will stand out from the crowd and will be seen from the other side of the room with ease. Due to its apperances in An Officer and a Gentleman and Top Gun , this costume seems to be very popular with women.
Chippendale Costume
This costume is not suitable for outdoor events that are prone to poor weather. The Chippendale outfit requires only a bow tie, some black trousers and a lot of confidence. The more adventurous partygoer should carry baby oil with them for chest oiling opportunities.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Swanage Day 4
Lots of swimming and splashing (and Sam and I took a quick detour into the sauna for a short while) before we all got out and headed back to mum's caravan. Mum had stayed behind as she was feeling tired and offered to make breakfast. Sophie, Sam and Shane wanted to do their own thing so they decided to have their breakfast and shoot off while Toni, Aaron, Gemima and I went back to our caravan to wash our hair and get changed.
Once we were freshened up we went to have brunch with mum before getting in the car and heading to Abbotsbury to go to the swannery there. It was VERY cold so Toni and I donated our sweatshirts to Aaron and Gemima. We didn't stay long due to the cold and then headed off to the Children's Farm. Weather had warmed up slightly and there was lots of stuff for them to see and do. Highlights for me were riding on a tractor and a mad five minutes on a see saw swing thing. Aaron and Gemima had a sit down and held and fed guinea pigs. The excursion ended with them spending 15 minutes in the ball pit.
We then headed back via Aldi (where Toni found Iced Gems) and a petrol station and met up with Sophie, Sam and Shane. Toni made a gorgeous dinner and then we played Happy Families. Toni and I popped out for a bit of fresh air and private time before returned to have a late night snack of cheese and fruit.
Aaron & Gemima tired before we even started:

Weird dude lurking in the herb garden. WTF is that all about?:

Swans and geese as far as you can see:

Toni, Gemima, Aaron & mum:

Me, Gemima, Aaron & mum

Toni, Gemima, me & Aaron:

Gemima ensnared by Aaron using the duck decoy:

Squeeky pigs:

Me driving a tractor:

Insane swing fun!: