Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Operation terminated (not cancelled)

Not a great way for things to go!

Sophie was wheeled of to theatre today at 09:30. Two hours later she was returned and the operation had been terminated!! They sedated her but when they went to insert the endoscope she resisted. Apparently this is a perfectly natural reaction to an endoscope when you are under sedation. Sophie is a petite 17 year old but it took 3 adults to try and restrain her to continue the operation but they had to stop as continuation would have resulted in Sophie getting a broken neck! Way to go Sophie, always was a fighter LOL!

So where are we now? Sophie has to have yet another MRI scan to once again check on the position of the stone. If the stone is still present (and there is no reason to think otherwise) then she will have to have a general anaesthetic so that they can do the operation again. At this moment in time we have no idea when the MRI scan is likely to be. The same surgeon will be performing the operation so I assume we are once again restricted to Tuesdays and Thursdays but the further complication is that now an anaesthesist will also be required who will only be available if there isn't another more urgent operation that they have to be present for. At the moment (and based on our luck so far) I would think that this Thursday is extremely unlikely for the next attempt so we will be looking at Tuesday 27th at the earliest (THREE WEEKS since she was first admitted).

Not sure how much more of this I can take, it is so stressful and draining. Oh well, must try and keep a positive outlook on things.

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