Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pictures of Kangra in Himachal Pradesh

Traveler Prerna Sharma from Delhi sends her exclusive collections from her trip to Kangra Valley.

Romantic SMS collection, Romantic SMS in Hindi, Love SMS, SMS Jokes, Free SMS funny Hindi Romantic Massages,Jokes, 140 character Romantic Massages Shayari

Romantic SMS collection, Romantic SMS in Hindi, Love SMS, SMS Jokes, Free SMS funny Hindi Romantic Massages,Jokes, 140 character Romantic Massages Shayari

Zindagi ki kitab k kuch panne hote hain,
Kuch apne, Kuch begane hote hain,
Pyar se sanwar jati hai zindagi,
Bas Pyar se rishte nibhane hote hain.

Dil yadoon ka gehwara.
Aankhain aasoun ka samander.
kaantairay aawaz k matlashi.
zabaan tairay milnay k liyay dua’go.
dimagh khayalon main gum.
hont pyar k pyasay.

MSC Cruzeiros destaca roteiros especiais para cruzeiros de carnaval

Comemorando o sucesso da alta temporada na América do Sul, a MSC Cruzeiros oferece excelentes opções para os hóspedes mais animados que não querem perder as festas de carnaval mais famosas do Brasil e também para aqueles que buscam um roteiro mais tranquilo e familiar. Para aproveitar o feriado prolongado em diferentes cidades, ainda dá tempo de escolher os roteiros da MSC. Com preços promocionais, o consumidor pode escolher entre uma viagem ao Nordeste - visitando Salvador, Ilhéus, Recife e Maceió, ou ao Sul, visitando Buenos Aires, Montevidéu, Punta del Este e São Francisco do Sul.

Para os foliões que buscam muita festa e agitação uma excelente opção é o MSC Musica com embarque no Rio de Janeiro e destino a Salvador, Recife e Ilhéus. Com saída no dia 18/02, o cruzeiro de 8 noites visitará as mais animadas cidades do Nordeste, levando os hóspedes para conhecer a alegria dos trios elétricos de Salvador, a animação do carnaval de rua de Recife e o agito de Ilhéus. Seu irmão gêmeo, o MSC Orchestra, também seguirá para o Nordeste em uma viagem de 7 noites, mas partindo da cidade paulista de Santos. Os dois navios pernoitarão na capital baiana, oferecendo a oportunidade dos hóspedes aproveitarem cada minuto de uma das maiores e mais esperadas festas do Brasil. Isso sem falar na programação a bordo, com muitas festas e bailes de carnaval.

Já para o público que prefere relaxar e aproveitar suas férias, de forma mais tranquila com a família e amigos, a MSC Cruzeiros oferece um itinerário internacional muito especial. O roteiro para Argentina e Uruguai será feito a bordo do MSC Armonia e incluirá uma noite e dois dias na capital portenha Buenos Aires e passará também pela sofisticada Punta del Este, pela charmosa cidade de Montevidéu e a pitoresca São Francisco do Sul, em Santa Catarina. Saindo de Santos (SP), o cruzeiro de 9 noites proporcionará uma viagem encantadora com os melhores destinos internacionais da América do Sul e ainda, divertir-se a bordo com os tradicionais carnavais de salão e festas na piscina.

Além de ser uma amimada viagem, um cruzeiro também consegue reunir o melhor para quem busca diferentes atrações, lazer e até momentos de descanso. A completa infraestrutura dos navios da armadora oferece piscinas, restaurantes, centros infantis e uma divertida equipe de animação, que garantirá a alegria a bordo. A programação ainda oferece festas temáticas, espetáculos nos teatros, discotecas, bares, cassino e área para a prática de diversos esportes.

A bordo dos navios da MSC Cruzeiros, os hóspedes também desfrutarão de uma excelente gastronomia, com menus que destacam pratos da culinária brasileira e italiana. Isso sem falar no luxo e requinte presentes em cada ambiente, reforçando o autêntico estilo italiano da armadora, além da atenção aos mínimos detalhes, como as confortáveis acomodações.

Orpheum rehearsal, ants and grubs

It was an awesome day on the Orpheum front today. The mixing of the final track of the EP is almost finished and then we'll be ready to prepare for launch. Artwork is all agreed and production and distribution is being finalised! To make it even better we have a couple of radio stations wanting to play us.

We started off with our usual per-rehearsal band meeting in The Unicorn. Fin brought snacks of the most unusual variety: toasted ants and grubs. The ants tasted a bit like bacon and weren't bad at all. The grubs were like pork scratchings but without the pork flavour!
I was the only one brave enough to try them there and then LOL

Rehearsal was really good and it will only take a few more before we can hit the road. It's not just about the songs now as we are working on stage craft as well as the set list.

It's all exciting stuff in the Orpheum world!

- Posted using BlogPress on my iPhone

Birthdays and Bucket Lists

This birthday, instead of making up a wish list of material things that don't matter, I decided to write down my bucket list. Because experiences hold far more value than any shoe/bag/ring or other sparkly things ever can.

On My Bucket List...

* Work at a fashion magazine. It may not be obvious on this blog (hahaha) but writing about fashion is my greatest passion, I'd love to live that dream. Do you remember in the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada', everyone tells Anne Hathaway's character Andy, "A million girls would kill for this job"? Well, I am one of them.

* Volunteer at an animal shelter. I have a love of cats and all things furry, and this is something I've wanted to do for ages. Unfortunately there isn't a shelter near where I live, so starting one here would be even better.

* Take creative classes - anything from art to origami, photography, floral arranging, tap dance (seriously, I've always wanted to try it), cooking and cake decorating. I truly believe that you will never what you like or what you're good at until you try everything!

* Visit the magical city of Prague. It's been my dream destination since I was young, I even started a 'Prague Fund' while I was in school. I want to immerse myself in the glorious historical architecture and bohemian streets of this enchanting city.

* Attend the couture shows at Paris Fashion Week, especially that of Elie Saab. The designer gowns are spellbinding on-screen, but to truly appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship, I would love the opportunity to see them up close. 

* Master another language. I tried French while I was in school...only to find that I would need some sort of nose-and-throat operation in order to properly pronounce the words. So I'm thinking maybe Spanish, as it's one of the world's Top 3 most widely spoken languages.

* Learn to make authentic home-made Italian pasta in Florence or Tuscany. Pasta is my staple diet, so it would only be fitting that I learn to do this.

* Publish my series of children's books. I have yet to find an illustrator for them. I had written the series a while back, I just need to muster up the courage to show them to a publisher.

*Audition for SA Idols. I think this would be a nerve-wrecking, pulse racing but nevertheless exciting once-in-a-lifetime type of experience. I know that I don't have a snowball's chance in the Sahara of making it past the first round. But you never know, I may stand a chance at winning the highly coveted wooden mic award (for the worst singer of the season). 

Aim high, Shoot Low ;)

Switch lives with Elena in 'The Vampire Diaries'. Okay, so I must admit that this one is on my things-that-will-never-happen-but-a-girl-can-dream-anyway list. I don't even know a thing about acting. But Nina Dobrev has the best job in television series. She gets to play two completely contrasting but magnetic characters - the sweet, lovable Elena and feisty Katherine; and she has the unconditional, eternal, (and literally) undying love of both Damon and Stephan Salvatore. A role made in TV heaven, don't you think?

If you're also celebrating your birthday today or in February, wishing you a wonderful one!


One of my best friends read my bucket list yesterday and decided to help me out on my last wish. It may not be the real-life Stephan Salvatore...but it's a good start! Thanks Ms Mocha, That's what I call a really great friend :) Most Thoughtful Gift Ever! 

Cruzeiro do Centenário do Santos já está 70% vendido.

Palco do Grand Mistral.
O Grand Mistral, navio da frota da Ibero Cruzeiros, que vai ser palco do Cruzeiro do Centenário do Santos Futebol Clube já tem 70% das cabines vendidas. Diversas atrações já estão confirmadas. Alguns ex-jogadores que fizeram história no clube já confirmaram presença. A banda santista Charlie Brown Jr vai realizar um show.

O navio vai sair do Porto de Santos com destino ao litoral do Rio de Janeiro e paradas em Búzios e Angra dos Reis. Ao todo serão 1.500 santistas, de 4 a 7 de março deste ano, na viagem em homenagem ao centenário do clube.

O pacote inclui toda a programação especial do projeto, pensão completa com cinco refeições diárias, bebidas livres nas principais refeições (almoço e jantar, com água, suco, refrigerante, cerveja e vinho), além de toda a infraestrutura do Grand Mistral, que inclui três restaurantes, nove bares, três piscinas, duas jacuzzis, spa, centro de ginástica e uma equipe de animação que oferece alternativas de entretenimento, entre shows, brincadeiras, aulas e práticas esportivas.

Cruzeiro do Centenário
Grand Mistral
Ibero Cruzeiros
4 a 7 de março
 Saída de Santos; Litoral do Rio de Janeiro; Paradas em Búzios e Angra dos Reis

- Show da banda Charlie Brown Jr
- Bate-papos com ídolos eternos, mediados por Milton Neves
- Baile do Branco e Preto
- Sessões de Cinema com jogos históricos do Peixe (Santos 3 x 2 Corinthians, em 2002; Santos 5 x 2 Fluminense, em 1995; Santos 2 x 1 Peñarol, em 2011, entre outros)
- Aulas de futebol freestyle
- Torneio de videogame

Texto (©) Copyright Mercado & Eventos. 
Imagem (©) Copyright Daniel Capella.

Boletim Concordia

Carnival calcula seus prejuízos; Outro corpo é encontrado no navio; Luto cancela festa de inauguração do Fascinosa e neoRomantica
A Carnival, maior empresa de cruzeiros do mundo, considerou que o naufrágio envolvendo um de seus navios na Itália não terá forte impacto em suas contas no longo prazo, apesar do prejuízo estimado entre US$ 155 milhões e US$ 175 milhões em 2012. "Acreditamos que o incidente não terá impacto significativo no longo prazo em nosso negócio", afirmou a Carnival no relatório anual enviado à Comissão da Bolsa de Valores dos Estados Unidos (SEC, sigla em inglês), publicado nesta terça-feira em seu site.

Nesse conjunto de dados, a empresa com sede em Miami detalhou o naufrágio do cruzeiro Costa Concordia, que se chocou contra rochas perto da ilha italiana de Giglio em 13 de janeiro, com 4,2 mil pessoas a bordo, das quais ao menos 17 morreram. O valor líquido registrado do "Costa Concordia" é de US$ 490 milhões e seu seguro por danos é de US$ 510 milhões, embora tenha cerca de US$ 30 milhões deduzidos (custo que a empresa tem de assumir).

De acordo com o relatório, a Carnival espera impacto nas contas de 2012 entre US$ 85 milhões e US$ 95 milhões. A essa quantia se deve somar entre US$ 30 milhões e US$ 40 milhões em despesas relacionados ao acidente, o que totaliza entre US$ 155 milhões e US$ 175 milhões. A Carnival indicou à SEC que registrou queda considerável nas reservas nos dias seguintes ao naufrágio. Na data de 25 de janeiro, a redução já era de 15% na comparação com o ano anterior.

O navio "permanece encalhado e parcialmente submerso no litoral. A causa do acidente está sendo investigada pelas autoridades italianas", relatou a Carnival, que garantiu estar fazendo o possível para evitar danos ao meio ambiente. "Estamos profundamente entristecidos com a tragédia", explicou a companhia, que se declarou "comprometida a dar todo o apoio aos passageiros, à tripulação e aos familiares das vítimas". Após o acidente, a Carnival anunciou uma revisão completa dos mecanismos de segurança e atendimento de emergências, além de uma investigação que a ajude a aprender com os erros cometidos.

No fim de semana, um passageiro americano de 26 anos morreu em outra embarcação da Carnival, que fazia um cruzeiro pelas Bahamas, ao cair de uma das varandas superiores do "Carnival Fantasy" quando o navio estava atracado em Nassau. As autoridades ainda estão investigando o caso. Segundo relato de testemunhas, o homem quis pular de uma varanda para outra inferior, mas ao cair ficou inconsciente.

17ª Vítima
Os mergulhadores encontraram no sábado o corpo de uma mulher num convés submerso do cruzeiro Costa Concordia, o que eleva para 17 o número de mortes no naufrágio ocorrido a 13 de Janeiro, no litoral da ilha italiana de Giglio.
Cinco pessoas continuam desaparecidas. A busca por corpos prossegue, mas as equipas de resgate e da Smit, empresa que recuperará o navio, ocasionalmente tem de interromper as suas operações devido às más condições meteorológicas. “As condições do vento e das ondas de mais de um metro forçaram-nos a interromper o trabalho, mas vamos retomá-lo assim que melhorem”, afirmou Antonino Corsini, um dos mergulhadores. 

Antes do trabalho ser suspenso, as equipes da Smit estavam a instalar válvulas para ajudar a extrair os seis tanques de combustível do navio, que contêm cerca de 2.300 toneladas de gasóleo. O processo de extração deve demorar 28 dias.

Sem esperança de encontrar sobreviventes, o alvo das equipas de resgate é agora a prevenção de um desastre ambiental em Giglio, um destino turístico popular, situado numa reserva natural marinha. 
Festas em Savona devem ser canceladas.
A onda do naufrágio na ilha de Giglio continua trazendo efeitos graves à Savona. Desta vez, porém, não será um navio que nunca voltou, mas sim, uma festa que não acontecerá.

A Costa Crociere deverá suspender, como um sinal de luto pela tragédia de Concordia, todas as festividades programadas para este ano. Foram assim canceladas as cerimônias para a entrega da Costa neo Romantica, o navio em reconstrução no estaleiro T. Mariotti, de Genova, e a grande festa de inauguração do Fascinosa, o novo flag-ship da frota, gêmeo do Favolosa. Ambos os eventos foram planejados precisamente para Savona, homeport da empresa, em 18 de fevereiro, e 6 de maio, respectivamente. A inauguração do Fascinosa, deveria coincidir com o aniversário de 15 anos do Palacrociere, o terminal exclusivo da Costa na cidade.

A comunicação dos cancelamentos ainda não chegou de forma oficial, mas são de fontes internas da companhia. A motivação, obviamente, é o luto que a empresa impôs após a perda do Concordia e as vítimas do naufrágio. Ainda assim, é possível que até 6 de maio, quando o acidente deixar de ser destaque, algo possa mudar no que diz respeito a festa de inauguração do Fascionosa, no entanto, ainda que não haja festa, Savona vai parar para sua viagem inaugural.
Texto (©) Copyright Terra, Jornal de Angola e Il Secolo XIX 
Imagens (©) Copyright Vigilli del Fuoco.

Concurso Cultural “Cruzeiro Roupa Nova de graça? Tô dentro!”

Se você é fã do grupo Roupa Nova, tem mais de 18 anos e possui uma conta no Facebook, você não pode ficar fora dessa. Para participar é necessário acessar a página “Cruzeiro Roupa Nova" no Facebook, clicar em Curtir, e responder no site a pergunta: Por quê você não pode ficar de fora do Cruzeiro Roupa Nova?

O vencedor será premiado com uma cabine dupla interna no Cruzeiro Roupa Nova, que será realizado no Navio MSC Armonia de 24 a 27 de março de 2012, com as despesas de hospedagem e taxas pagas pela Terramar Cruzeiros – empresa idealizadora do evento.

Além disso, outros nove premiados receberão um kit Cruzeiro Roupa Nova contendo 1 camiseta, 1 CD e 1 Dvd “Roupa Nova 30 anos” autografado pela banda.

O concurso que teve inicio em 21 de novembro de 2011, encerra-se em 29 de fevereiro de 2012 e os resultados serão divulgados na própria página do facebook "Cruzeiro Roupa Nova". Pata consultar o regulamento da promoção, clique aqui

Texto (©) Copyright Press Release. 
Imagem (©) Copyright Daniel Capella.

Tuesday, January 31st

All Day

Muffaletta Sandwich with Soup or Salad
Roast Beast Sandwich with Soup or Salad
Salmon Salad Melt, Grilled Onions, Cheddar, and Creamy Horseradish
Omelet of the Day with Soup or Salad
Herbed Pork Sausage, Provolone, and Sun-Dried Tomato
Soup, Salad, and Bread
Vegetable Beef
Pasta of the Day
Roma Tomato Ravioli, Roasted Garlic, Spinach, Oregonzola, and White Truffle Oil
Clams, Oregon Shrimp, and Crostini
Heirloom Legumes and Winter Squash (Vegetarian)
Green Salad
Fresh Vegetables
Winter Vegetable Cornucopia

Daily Specials for Lunch and Dinner

Tri-Colored Carrots with Bleu Cheese Dip
Faux Chef Salad
with Oregonzola, Marcona Almonds, Dried Tart Cherries, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, and Golden Beets

Daily Specials for Dinner

Chicken and Rice
with Braised Winter Greens and Mushroom Gravy
Red Wattle Pork Cutlets
with Smashed Roots and Mushroom Gravy
Braised Bison Back Ribs
with Smashed Roots, Winter Vegetables, and Whole Grain Mustard Sauce


Chocolate Cherry Cupcake
with White Chocolate Buttercream
Crème Brulee
with Almond Brittle
Panna Cotta
with Cherry Rhubarb Jam

8 Customs Most People will Do for the Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year in slightly different ways but their wishes are almost the same; they want their family members and friends to be healthy and lucky during next year.

Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. Celebratory activities include Chinese New Feast, firecrackers, giving lucky money to children, the New Year bell ringing and Chinese New Year Greetings.

Custom 1: House Cleaning

To clean houses on the New Year Eve is a very old custom dating back to thousands of years ago. The dust is traditionally associated with “old” so cleaning their houses and sweeping the dust mean to bid farewell to the “old” and usher in the “new”. Days before the New Year, Chinese families clean their houses, sweeping the floor, washing daily things, cleaning the spider webs and dredging the ditches. People do all these things happily in the hope of a good coming year.

Custom 2: House Decoration

 One of the house decorations is to post couplets on doors. On the Spring Festival couplets, good wishes are expressed. New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture.

People in north China are used to posting paper-cut on their windows. When sticking the window decoration paper-cuts, people paste on the door large red Chinese character “fu”A red "fu"means good luck and fortune, so it is customary to post "fu"on doors or walls on auspicious occasions such as wedding, festivals.

Custom 3: Waiting for the First Bell Ringing of Chinese New Year

The first bell ringing is the symbol of Chinese New Year. Chinese people like to go to a large squares where there are huge bells are set up on New Year’s Eve. As the New Year approaches they count down and celebrate together. The people believe that the ringing of huge bell can drive all the bad luck away and bring the fortune to them. In recent years, some people have begun going to mountain temples to wait for the first ringing. Hanshan Temple in Suzhou, is very famous temple for its first ringing of the bell to herald Chinese New Year. Many foreigners now go to Hanshan Temple to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Custom 4: Staying up late ("Shousui")

Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve. After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year’s arrival.

Custom 5: New Year Feast

Spring Festival is a time for family reunion. The New Year's Feast is "a must" banquet with all the family members getting together. The food eaten on the New Year Eve banquet varies according to regions. In south China, It is customary to eat "niangao" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher every year". In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is "Jiaozi" or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.

Custom 6: Setting Firecrackers

Lighting Firecrackers used to be one of the most important customs in the Spring Festival celebration. However, concerning the danger and the negative noises that lighting firecrackers may bring, the government has banned this practice in many major cities. But people in small towns and rural areas still hold to this traditional celebration. Right as the clock strike 12 o'clock midnight of New Year's Eve, cities and towns are lit up with the glitter from fireworks, and the sound can be deafening. Families stay up for this joyful moment and kids with firecrackers in one hand and a lighter in another cheerfully light their happiness in this especial occasion, even though they plug their ears.

Custom 7: New Year Greetings (Bai Nian)

On the first day of the New Year or shortly thereafter, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and Gongxi (congratulations), wishing each other good luck, happiness during the new year. In Chinese villages, some villagers may have hundreds of relatives so they have to spend more than two weeks visiting their relatives.

On the first day of the new year, it’s customary for the younger generations to visit the elders, wishing them healthy and longevity.

Because visiting relatives and friends takes a lot of time, now, some busy people will send New Year cards to express their good wishes rather than pay a visit personally.

Custom 8: Lucky Money

It is the money given to kids from their parents and grandparents as New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name "lucky money". Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their kids after the New Year's Feast or when they come to visit them on the New Year. They choose to put the money in red envelopes because Chinese people think red is a lucky color. They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color.

Most of Chinese people will stop the celebrating in their home on the 7th day of New Year because the national holiday usually ends around that day, however celebrations in public areas can last until the 15th day of New Year.

Happy New Year of The Dragon to All Chinese People in the World!

* Original address of this China gift post: 8 Customs Most People will do for the Chinese New Year Celebration2!

New 'No-Fly’ Voyages For Star Clippers

Star Clippers has introduced new travel-inclusive, no-fly holidays in the Mediterranean and the Baltic in 2012 for those tired of airport delays and luggage restrictions. Travelling outbound or return by rail to within a short transfer of the ship, there’s no need to check in hours in advance and there are no restrictions on how much luggage to take.

The new rail-sail combination holidays combine the romance of train travel through Europe with the gentle pace of life on board a genuine sailing ship, where guests can either help the crew hoist the sails and try their hand at mast climbing, or simply soak up the sun and relax in the al fresco Tropical Bar with the cocktail of the day. All packages include train travel to or from the UK to the port, transfers and all meals on board. 

Choose from the following selection of dates:

May 5: Join the head-turning tall ship Star Flyer in Southampton, where the four-masted, full-rigged clipper will be making a rare appearance in 2012, the first time one of the Star Clippers vessels has been in British waters since her launch in 1992. The cruise sets sail from Southampton to Hamburg, with two days at sea to enjoy life under sail, followed by a full day in Amsterdam. The five-night holiday costs from £1,095 per person and includes a transfer from Hamburg port to the station; and rail travel home in an overnight double sleeper from Hamburg to Paris, followed by Eurostar to London. 

May 16, Sail & Rail to Hamburg & Amsterdam: Enjoy the excitement of sailing on Star Flyer as she cruises from one great maritime port to another on a three-day mini-break from Amsterdam to Hamburg. The voyage also includes a day in the Frisian holiday island of Borkum and costs from £945 per person, including three nights on board, with all meals, return transfers to the ship and Eurostar/InterCity rail travel to Amsterdam, via Brussels, and overnight/Eurostar rail from Hamburg to London, via Paris.

July 27: Rail-sail from Venice, the most romantic small-ship port in the Med. Travel by train from the UK to Venice to join Star Clipper, en route to Croatia, exploring Losinj, Hvar and Rovinj, the true yachting ports of the Adriatic, calling at harbours and secluded anchorages inaccessible to bigger ships. The four-night cruise costs from £1,245 per person, including all meals on board, transfers to and from the railway station in Venice, return overnight sleeper train between Venice and Paris, and return Eurostar travel between London and Paris.

For booking details, be sure to check out this link with the UK's luxury cruise specialists, The Cruise Line Ltd.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Raise of Green Technology in Ship Transport

It is a good to see the rise of green technology in Nissan in the field of ship transport.

Nissan will accumulate every year to flourish their shipping.

But thanks to the new transport ship which commence on its maiden journey last Friday that bought a green technology in ship transportation.

The Nichioh Maru is the company’s newest cargo liner and it’s making a dash in the green technology world.

Thanks to its ground-breaking plan which recommends an 18 percent fuel savings over similar ships without the technology.

The ship features about 281 solar panels on the floor which power LED lighting all through the ship. It also has a specifically coated hull to decrease drag and is about the length of 1.5 football fields (557 feet).

This new transport ship carries up to 1,380 cars and travels at a top speed of 24.4 mph or 22.1 bonds to make two domestic round trips per week totaling just over 2,200 miles.

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Punjabi sms, Jokes, shayri, New Punjabi Sms Shayari, Punjabi SMS Jokes 140 Character for Mobile,
Punjabi Jokes SMS. New SMS, Hindi Punjabi Jokes SMS. Punjabi Jokes Messages.

Shunty:rab mainu i nottan naal bhariya ghar de de!
Pappu :rab mainu 1 chandi da ghar de de !
Bunty :rab mainu 1 sone da ghar de de !
Pinku :rab mainu en 3na de ghar di chaabi de dyi.

Usde Kadam Jithe Jithe Paye,
Assi O Jagah V Chum Layi,
O Bewafa Sadi Mummy Kol Ja K Boli
Aunty Tohada Munda Mitti Khanda Hai…

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes are one of the most desired thing for everyone who love to celebrate the Valentine Day. Therefore we decided to come with some Valentines Cupcakes Idea for our blog visitors. Unfortunately we are not here for the complete recipes and making and baking of cupcakes but we in a different way present for your support. As we are going to publish some of the best Valentines Cupcakes Images, Valentines Cupcakes Designs and Valentines Cupcakes Pictures and through this you can get an idea about what would be your choice and desire and you can go for these kind of cupcakes, which you can get from your nearby bakers because these would be available for you at the special day and it is our experience that will cost you cheap instead of baking it at your home. The taste would also be great as it will come-out from the specialist hands.

While going for your one do keep some points in your mind as you will find a variety in Valentine cupcakes like Valentines Cupcakes For Kids and Valentines Cupcakes For Love and some other specially made cupcakes. So get the right one according to your requirement then another point must also be in your mind, before selecting any one for you keep the Valentines Cupcakes Decorations and Valentines Cupcakes Flavors in your mind. If you are going to buy it for someone special like your love, friend, family or kids. Then its decoration and flavour should be following the lines which are favourite for your Love-One. Hope you will enjoy the best Valentines Cupcakes 2012 on this coming valentine. Have a great day.
Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes

Valentines Cupcakes