Sunday, December 9, 2007

Slimes, JD and Goth n Roll

Last night Toni and I went to London to meet Karen and her brother Chris for an (all) night on the town. We were going to go to the Intrepid Fox as my mate Dennis was DJing but by the time we got to London we decided to give it a miss especially as it was the Fox's 10th Anniversary party and we weren't sure if we'd have got in. Instead we headed off to the World's End in Camden to get in a few before heading off to the Slimelight in Islington.

When we arrived at Slimes the bouncer asked if any of us were members. We replied no and he said that we have a problem then as Chris was wearing blue jeans and white trainers and Slimes has a strict dress code of NO blue jeans and white trainers. Fortunately I had a pair of black jeans and a hoodie in my back so he had to get changed in a backstreet and the bouncers let us in.

It was a 3 floor night so we bypassed the EBM/hardcore dance floors and set up camp in the goth room and boogied the night away. Much JD was drunk and dry ice was inhaled! Got a bit tearful at one point as Toni and I went to the basement cinema and watch The Crow and that film always makes me think of Sharon.

Something went wrong with the coffee and although it tastes like crap we could only manage to get one cup and that was the worst ever and was practically cold so that early hours boost that we normally need just wasn't happening.

Crawled out of Slimes at 07:30 and got the tube back to Liverpool Street where proper coffee and a bacon and chees baguette helped restore a small amount of life. Got home and went straight to bed for a few hours.

Here are a couple of photos taken on Karen's phone:

Karen & Toni

K.T.Glitz & Toni

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