Monday, December 17, 2007

Sophie's progress

Well actually there isn't any. Have been at the hospital since 02:30 today. They believe that Sophie has a gall bladder infection now so are trying to treat that with anti-biotics and there was talk of trying to accelerate her gall bladder removal operation. She has been in a lot of pain and spent most of the day sleeping apart from the occasional lucid moment. Toni very kindly bunked off work today and drove to the hospital and spent 5 hours there with Sophie and I so it was nice to have someone there to support me.

I called Sophie when I got home a moment ago and now she isn't even allowed to get out of bed unaided so the pain is a lot worse than when she was first admitted with gall stones back in November. Am now having to consider taking tomorrow off work as well as I just don't like leaving her there all on her own.

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