Thursday, August 28, 2008

Swanage Day 6

Swimming as usual this morning at not quite as early o'clock as the past few days. After tumble drying all the swimming stuff it was back to mum's caravan for breakfast.

After breakfast mum, Toni, Sam, Gemima and I went off to do some shopping at Somerfield. We had to go to Co-op to pick up some last bits and Sam and Gemima decided to play on the toy train outside (the same one that Sam was photographed earlier in the week). This time though Sam was riding on it and got told off by a member of Co-op staff.

Once we returned to the caravan we headed off to play Crazy Golf (which mum won). The kids then went on some rides (with Sam managing ot get himself told off for going on the motorbikes even though it wasn't clear that he shouldn't). He went to get his token back as he hadn't realised, the woman was trying to refuse when Toni went to the desk and was given an immediate refund LMFAO. Following this I then joined them on the bumper cars. When my token had run out and I was getting out of my car, Aaron decided to ram me (see bottom photo).

As people were starting to get hungry we went into a cafe for a late lunch. Toni, Sophie and I decided to do some shopping so Shane, Aaron and Sam went back to the caravan to go swimming. Mum pottered off to do her own thing and we met her at the pier before we headed back again.

Once back at the caravan Toni and mum chilled out with a jug of Pimms before Toni and I cooked dinner. Gemima was very tired and her ankle was hurting so we had an early night, although we did stay up talking for ages once Gemima had settled.

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