Saturday, December 20, 2008

Busy day

Day started off with Toni wrapping presents and me doing "stuff"
Following that we went to Chelmsford to meet mum at the bus station. Sophie, Shane and Sam were there with mum when we arrived. It was good to see mum again.

As the hungers had set in we all decided to have lunch at Wetherspoons and very nice it was too (and a VERY welcome change from Pizza Hut)

After lunch Shane and Sam went back to Sophie and Shane's while mum, Toni and I went to do some Xmas shopping. Got the last of the bits that we needed so job done!

When we got home I watched the Capitals webcast, mum watched Strictly Come Dancing and Toni prepared dinner

Had a lovely dinner of meatballs and rice (although not as nice as Toni's usual home made ones)

Toni & Sam went upstairs and had a chat and mum and I watched some awful old film on the TV.

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