Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my friends and family!

It was a good day. Toni and I made a real disaster of doing the Santa thing for Sam and Aaron. Everybody went to bed late which wasn't a good start. Toni and I watched DVDs in bed (well she fell asleep quite a lot) and then we attempted to do the Santa thing at around 02:00. Seems we managed to wake both the boys up, I gave up trying to open Sam's door quietly and just hung his stuff on the door handle. No sooner had we gone back to bed than the rustling started LOL.

It was nice to wake up at a pleasant hour and good hear my mum doing stuff in the kitchen.

Mum made sausages for breakfast which started the day off well.

By midday we poured drinks for everyone and then Sam was postman and handed out the presents.

We had a fantastic Xmas dinner (thanks mum and Toni for making it so lovely) and this was followed by no activity at all, watching TV and more eating and drinking.

All in all it was a good Xmas, a little strange with Sophie not being there, but was full of cheer and happiness




A puzzled Sam trying to work out what his small present is:

TGI Friday vouchers YAY!

I wonder what this could be? LOL

Sam being very pleased with the second part of his present:

Grubs up:


Tuck in:

See all the pictures in my Picasa web album here:
25/12/08 Christmas Day

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